may it be an evening star        希望夜晚的繁星

shines down upon you         将辉耀洒向你

may it be when darkness falls      希望当黑暗降临

your heart will be true         你还有赤诚之心

you walk a lonely road         你如此孤独

oh! how far you are from home     噢!已不知你离家有多远

mornie utulie (darkness has come)    黑暗已经降临

believe and you will find your way    请相信你将会找到自己的道路

mornie utulie(darkness has fallen)    黑暗已经消亡

a promise lives within you now     此刻,诺言与你同在

may it be the shadow’s call       但愿有一天,阴影的召唤

will fly away              将会飘散

may it be your journey on        但愿有一天,你的旅途

to light the day            能够照耀天际

when the night is overcome       当夜晚被战胜时

you may rise to find the sun       你可以起身去追寻光明

mornie utulie( darkness has come)    黑暗已经降临

believe and you will find your way    请相信你将会找到自己的道路

mornie utulie(darkness has fallen)    黑暗已经消亡

a promise lives within you now      此刻,诺言与你同在
